The city of Aurora is accepting applications now for vacancies on the following boards listed below. Volunteering for a board or commission is one way for residents to get engaged in local government. To apply or find out more, visit AuroraGov.org/Boards or call 303.739.7094.
• Art in Public Places Commission: Advises and makes recommendations to the City Council and city leadership on the development, maintenance and promotion of the city’s public arts program
• Aurora Commission for Older Adults: Enhances the quality of life of the city’s older adult population by supporting current programs and promoting the development of new ones in the areas of housing, transportation, health, nutrition, legislation, recreation, education, advocacy and networking.
• Aurora Fox Arts Center Board: Advises the City Council and department director regarding the planning, regulation, maintenance, repair and operation of the Fox.
• Aurora Youth Commission: Betters the well-being of Aurora's youth through representation, service and action (board positions open for both youth and adults)
• Board of Adjustments and Appeals: Reviews and rules on applications for variances and waivers from the city’s zoning code
• Building Code Contractors, Appeals and Standards: Acts as a Board of Adjustments and Appeals and a Board of Standards regarding building codes and contractor licensing
• Career Service Commission: Hears and determines appeals made by aggrieved employees in keeping with the rules and regulations of the city’s charter and ordinances
• Cultural Affairs Commission: Provides ongoing, systemic planning and development of cultural arts within the city
• Golf Course Advisory Committee: Advises the City Council and department staff related to planning, budgeting, regulation and use of city-owned and -managed golf courses and facilities
• Human Relations Commission: Promotes a mutual understanding and respect among all people, disseminate information and educational material to eliminate prejudice, promote human relations and investigate complaints of this nature
• Judicial Performance Commission: Presents evaluations and recommendations to the City Council related to the reappointments of municipal court judges in Aurora; openings are for two attorneys and one resident
• Library Board: Advises the City Council and city management on matters relating to the Aurora Public Library, including administering of gifts and grants
• Oil and Gas Advisory Committee: Assists the City Council in promoting the efficient and equitable development of oil and gas while protecting the city’s natural resources and local quality of life; one industry position open
• Veterans Affairs Commission: Advises the City Council as to the concerns of veterans relating to transportation, housing, employment and other areas affecting Aurora veterans