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Adaptive Recreation & Inclusion Services

A.R.I.S.E - Adaptive Recreation & Inclusion Services

Programs and Activities.
A.R.I.S.E offers two types of opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

1. A wide variety of adaptive recreation programming including: arts/culture, aquatics, excursions, sports/fitness, Special Olympics and special events. 

2. Inclusion services are offered to provide assistance to all ages of individuals with or without disabilities to participate in recreation programs together. An assessment can be completed to determine what program modifications and/or inclusion aide services are needed.

For questions or to make an appointment: call 720.859.4985/720.859.4984 or email [email protected]

Participant intake information and "Get to Know Me" form must be received prior to participation of our programs. Please register online, by phone or in person at one of our recreation centers: Beck, Central, Moorhead or Southeast.

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Important Info

Americans with Disabilities Act: The city of Aurora supports the ADA. If you require special accommodations for participation in our general recreation programs or to use our facilities, call 720.859.4985

Funding Assistance: The city of Aurora can reduce some fees for residents on limited incomes. Call Beck, Central, Moorhead or Southeast Recreation Centers for eligibility and an application. The A.R.I.S.E program has scholarship funds available for those who qualify, call 720.859.4985 for additional information.

Program Conduct: Appropriate social behavior is stressed during all activities. If a participant’s behavior is detrimental to the group, that participant may be put on a behavioral plan or asked to withdraw from the program.

Personal Needs Assistance: Individuals needing help with feeding, dressing, medication, or using the restroom must make personal arrangements for assistance.

Red-tailed Hawk Park Inclusive Playground

The city of Aurora is home to a first-of-its-kind inclusive playground. The playground is located at the already established and highly-popular Red-tailed Hawk Park in Southeast Aurora.

Directions to visit Red-tailed Hawk Park Inclusive Playground


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