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Court Administration

Court Administration
14999 E. Alameda Parkway
Aurora, CO 80012

The Court Administration Department is composed of five divisions that provide various services and programs to the public.

Office of the Court Administrator
Candace Atkinson, Court Administrator

Provides direction and oversight of activities performed by the administrative and technology divisions of the Aurora Municipal Court. Ensures that these divisions provide a high level of customer service, operate efficiently and effectively, promote fiscal responsibility, and adhere to city and judicial policies as well as city, state, and federal laws. Serves as information coordinator and staff support for administrative services provided to court employees and customers.

Court Services
Trena Sparks, Court Manager

Serves as the custodian of all court records. Collects all court related fines, fees, court costs, restitution, bonds and jury fees. Provides information to all court departments, as well as the Police Department, attorneys and the public. Manages collections for fines through the court's web site and automated phone system. Coordinates jury summonses and services. Coordinates and supervises work programs and payment plans to satisfy court fines and costs.

Marshal Division
Eric Givens, Chief of Courthouse 

Provides security for the Municipal Court building, court personnel, and the public. Enforces court orders, serves warrants, assists with trials, and manages prisoner holding cells. The Marshal Division transfers prisoners from the court room to holding cells, completes necessary processing, and transports prisoners to and from other metro jail facilities.

Probation Division
Elizabeth Edgecomb, Interim Chief Probation Officer

Provides judges with background information, sentencing options, and recommendations when requested. Monitors defendants to ensure compliance with court orders. Coordinates and supervises various community service programs. Provides information on high-profile defendants to the specialized units of the Aurora Police Department to enhance police, victim and community safety. Maintains a proactive role in working with specific city departments and community agencies for the prevention and treatment of animal abuse, fire-setting, and other acts of violence.

Detention Center
Lance Alexander, Detention Administrator

With the emphasis on safety, efficiency, and security for staff and detainees, the Detention Center provides custodial care for the well-being of all persons placed in custody. Processes all detainees admitted and released, video and audio monitor everyone in the facility. Transport inmates to and from other city and county jail facilities, assists the public with bonding of inmates, court ordered fingerprints and sex offender registrations.

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