About the project
The city of Aurora and Xcel Energy are working together to upgrade and replace roughly 800 alley lights with durable, sustainable lighting in public alleyways. The new LED fixtures are brighter, which will improve visibility for increased safety. LEDs also offer better performance and fewer outages, providing you with more reliable lighting. The project start time for Phase 1 is December 2024.
Updated project letter mailed to Phase I residents Sept. 18, 2024:
A nuestros clientes, residentes y empresas (updated) (letter to residents in Spanish)
Aurora 시의 고객, 주민, 사업 관련자 분들께 (updated) (letter to residents in Korean)
Kính gửi quý khách hàng, cư dân và doanh nghiệp (updated) (letter to residents in Vietnamese)
各位客户、居民及商家 (updated) (letter to residents in Chinese)
ለደንበኞቻችን፣ ለነዋሪዎች እና ለንግድ ድርጅቶች (updated) (letter to residents in Amharic)
Project letter mailed to Phase I residents Aug. 1, 2023
A nuestros clientes, residentes y empresas (letter to residents in Spanish)
Aurora 시의 고객, 주민, 사업 관련자 분들께 (letter to residents in Korean)
Kính gửi quý khách hàng, cư dân và doanh nghiệp (letter to residents in Vietnamese)
各位客户、居民及商家 (letter to residents in Chinese)
ለደንበኞቻችን፣ ለነዋሪዎች እና ለንግድ ድርጅቶች (letter to residents in Amharic)
Improvement areas
All existing alley lights will be removed from their current locations on Xcel Energy distribution poles and placed on freestanding poles in an adjacent location. Alleys with limited lighting may have additional lights added.

The project will take place in four phases:
Phase 1: Bounded by 11th Avenue on the south, Colfax Avenue on the north, Nome Street on the east and Havana Street on the west
Phase 2: Bounded by Sixth Avenue on the south, Colfax Avenue on the north, Havana Street on the east and Yosemite Street on the west
Phase 3: Bounded by Colfax Avenue on the south, 25th Avenue on the north, Havana Street on the east and Yosemite Street on the west
Phase 4: Bounded by Colfax Avenue on the south, 25th Avenue on the north, Peoria Street on the east and Havana Street on the west
Construction is anticipated to start in early 2024 and likely extending into 2025. Each phase will take about four to six months to complete, with about four weeks of work per alley. These timelines are subject to change and will be updated on this page as the work progresses.
Construction Impacts
Here's what you can expect while the project is underway:
- Work will generally take place from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Local regulations allow construction between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday. Work may occur during these extended hours or weekends to complete time-sensitive activities.
- Residents should expect alley closures and some construction noise when work is taking place. Equipment such as bucket trucks, excavation and boring equipment will be used. Signs will be posted, or a flagger will be present, to direct people away from active work areas.
- Residents should expect alley closures when work is taking place as well as some construction noise. Equipment such as bucket trucks, excavation and boring equipment will be used. Signs will be posted, or a flagger will be present, to direct people away from active work areas.
A contractor will complete work on behalf of the city of Aurora and Xcel Energy. All construction crews will have visible identification and safety gear.
Learn More
For questions, email NWAlleyLighting@auroragov.org or call Access Aurora at 303.739.7000 (Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
The city of Aurora allocates a portion of funding each budget year to pave a limited number of unpaved public alleyways in northwest Aurora. Annually, three to four alleys in northwest Aurora are selected to be paved.
View a map of the paving status for northwest Aurora alleys
The following unpaved alleys were paved with concrete over the summer of 2024:
- Alley #61, which is bounded by East 22nd Avenue to the north, Montview Boulevard to the south, Ironton Street to the west and Jamaica Street to the east
- Alley #65, which is bounded by East 22nd Avenue to the north, Montview Boulevard to the south, Kingston Street to the west and Lansing Street to the east
- Alley #145, which is bounded by East 17th Avenue to the north, East 16th Avenue to the south, Hanover Street to the west and Havana Street to the east
- Alley #187, which is bounded by East Colfax Avenue to the north, East 14th Avenue to the south, Kingston Street to the west and Lansing Street to the east
- Alley #218, which is bounded by East 12th Avenue to the north, East Richthofen Place to the south, Alton Street to the west and Lansing Street to the east
The following unpaved alleys will be designed in 2024 and paved with concrete starting in the summer of 2025:
- Alley#X, which is bounded by East 23rd Avenue to the north, East 22nd Avenue to the south, Dayton Street to the west and East Emporia Street to the east
- Alley #106, which is bounded by East 19th Avenue to the north, East 17th Avenue to the south, Boston Street to the west and Chester Street to the east
- Alley #170, which is bounded by East 16th Avenue to the north, East Colfax Avenue to the south, Hanover Street to the west and Havana Street to the east
- Alley #263, which is bounded by East 11th Avenue to the north, East 10th Avenue to the south, Fulton Street to the west and Galena Street to the east
A notification for residents will be posted a minimum of five days prior to the project start, with more detailed contact information for questions or concerns.
Each alley will be closed for 10 calendar days, during which time the alleys will not be accessible. Work generally takes place from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All vehicles must be removed from designated work area and driveways prior to alley work starting.
While driving in the area, please be aware of the presence of heavy equipment and increased activities as the result of construction operations. Observe all traffic control, no parking signs and other visual items to keep your neighborhood safe during construction. If inclement weather occurs during scheduled work times, work will resume the following business day.
Visit the Neighborhood Zoning Codes webpage for information regarding responsibilities for occupants and/or owners who live adjacent to alleys.
Visit the Aurora Municipal Codes website and search for Alleys for all other building and zoning codes related to alleys.