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Aurora Community of Faith (ACOF)

Who We Are
We are a diverse inclusive community of faith leaders and community partners in the city of Aurora, Colorado

Serving and healing our city one person at a time!

Core Values
We are partnering to enhance the power of one, to create a safe haven for our youth. We are focused on the healing and restoration of the treasured people of our city. We are a city of hope!

Open to all communities of faith, meets every third Thursday of the month at 9:15 a.m. at the Aurora Municipal Center, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway. Please check in at Access Aurora for a visitor's pass. For more information contact [email protected].


“The Roosevelt Project”

(Roosevelt committed a horrible crime in Aurora at the age of 15.  He was the son of a drug-addicted mother and was severely abused by her many boyfriends.  His older siblings were removed from the home by Child Welfare.  He was left behind.  He ran away from the abuse and lived on the streets of Aurora at age 14 with no support.  He made choices that caused him to be one of the 48 juveniles sentenced to life in prison in Colorado without the possibility of parole for his crime (at that time).  His story represents the symbolism of the many youth in our city who may feel angry, afraid, alone, abused, neglected, hungry, hurt, hopeless, helpless, powerless and who may make impulsive choices.)

A Letter from Roosevelt:

“My name is Roosevelt.  I’m a 43-year-old inmate currently residing at Buena Vista Correctional Facility.  When I was 15 years old, I was charged and convicted of first-degree murder.  I wouldn’t wish the pain I caused the victim’s family on my family or anyone.  That’s why I want to help kids avoid my mistakes.  I would be a horrible person if I saw or heard of a kid going down the same road I traveled and didn’t say, “DON’T GO DOWN THAT ROAD!  I’ve been down that road! It’s a Dead End!

"I encourage the youth to choose a different path.  Reach out to Faith groups, Teachers and other community organizations that help youth out of tough situations.  There are caring people out there who honestly want to help.  DON’T SUFFER IN SILENCE!”    -Roosevelt-

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