Plan Review

The Building Plans Examination group reviews plans, specifications, calculations and other related construction documents for all new or remodeled commercial, industrial and residential buildings or structures. Plan reviewer teams, specializing in each of the applicable trades and ordinances, work together to ensure that all aspects of plan drawings are in compliance with approved codes and ordinances. Our primary goal is to safeguard the life, health, property and public welfare of the building occupants.

Please be aware: The city of Aurora adopts the National Electrical Code (NEC) simultaneously with the state of Colorado.

The city adopted the 2023 version of the NEC effective Aug. 1, 2023. All submissions on or after this date are permitted and inspected to the 2023 NEC. Please ensure all documents submitted for review reflect this as the design criteria for electrical installations.

Questions? Call 303.739.7420 for more information.

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