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Transit Information

The Regional Transportation District (RTD) provides bus and rail transit service between Aurora and the metro area.

RTD View Schedules and Plan Your Trip

Public Hourly Bike Lockers

Public hourly bike lockers are available at RTD's Aurora Metro Center and Iliff Stations. Find out more.

Bus and Other Services

RTD provides bus services throughout the city of Aurora. Find out more about RTD's bus servicesOther services like SeniorRide also are available from RTD.

Find out more about the East Colfax Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project, which is under construction from Union Station in Denver to the R Line Colfax Station at I-225 in Aurora.

A small business toolkit with resources for how to thrive during construction is available at
Business owners also may take a self-assessment to consider how your business might be impacted by construction and what you may need to do to prepare.

Bus benches and shelters are maintained by different entities depending on the location. Please complete the form below to submit a maintenance request so the city may notify the responsible party.

Any bus bench and bus shelter maintenance requests may be submitted through Access Aurora.

Rail Services

The expanded RTD FasTracks rail system through Aurora is transforming the city's landscape and future, providing economic development corridors and connecting major activity and employment centers. 

The R Line


I-225 Light Rail MapRTD's R Line brings light rail service through the heart of Aurora. The 10.5 miles of new light rail connects the existing track at Nine Mile Station up Interstate 225 to the Peoria Station on the A Line. The new R Line provides easy connections to the A Line and the H Line, making it easier than ever to get to the airport, the Denver Tech Center or downtown Denver. The line opened Feb. 24, 2017.

The line, which includes 10 stations in Aurora, provides connectivity to major activity centers like the Aurora City Center, Anschutz Medical Campus and Denver International Airport through a transfer at Peoria to the A Line. Find out more about the transit-oriented development happening in Aurora.

The A Line

East Rail Line MapThe A Line is a 22.8-mile commuter rail transit corridor that operates between Denver Union Station and Denver International Airport.

Featuring two stops in Aurora, the rail line connects these two important areas while serving adjacent employment centers, neighborhoods and development areas in Aurora and Denver.

Transit-oriented Development (TOD)

Through public and stakeholder meetings, the city developed plans to identify development sites and pedestrian and automobile connections, and create a vision for the overall character of Aurora's rail station areas.

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