Aurora Fire Rescue Extinguishes 3rd Alarm Fire on Newly Constructed Apartment Building
A total of 23 units with Aurora Fire Rescue were called to a third-alarm fire on a construction site for a multifamily residential building near the 7300 block of S. Addison Court in Aurora, Colo. The fire was initially reported at 12:11 a.m. on December 14.
The site was vacant and no injuries were reported. All AFR crew members are safe and uninjured.
It was a very volatile, highly dangerous scene and the initial arriving crews acted with proficiency and technical agility to quickly suppress the fire. The crews put a hose line on nearby propane tanks that were offgassing in order to cool them down and prevent explosion.
Given that the area was a new building construction site, fire hydrants were limited, making it that much more difficult to get water to the area. Access was narrow as well, as crews had to work around construction equipment. Crews were fighting the fire from the E-470 interstate on the east side, as well as on the west and north sides of the site.
Five residential units were destroyed in the fire. Operations will be ongoing into this afternoon and the investigation remains open. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Denver Field Division was called to assist the investigators by supplying heavy equipment that will be helpful in digging out the debris and determining the origin and cause.