Following a standard redistricting process that included many opportunities for the public to weigh in, the Aurora City Council recently approved council ward maps with adjusted boundaries. A new map reflecting the changes, which are effective Dec. 17, 2022, is available at AuroraGov.org/Maps.
Based on the city’s election code, redistricting in Aurora occurs twice in a 10-year period, and must be completed at least 180 days prior to the regular municipal elections held in years ending in three and nine. Boundaries are adjusted to accommodate population shifts and residents are evenly distributed among the city’s six council wards while impacting as few residents as possible.
Several redistricting map scenarios were reviewed by the city’s Election Commission, which recommended a final scenario to the City Council. All public comments gathered in person and electronically during the community engagement period also were provided to the council as part of their decision-making process. The City Council approved the scenario by ordinance in November. The county clerks have been provided the realigned ward boundaries and city residents are being notified through multiple outreach efforts.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 303.739.7094. The community engagement project page is available at EngageAurora.org/Redistricting.