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Temporary Use Permits

Please note: The temporary use permit application has moved to

For information on the Temporary Use Permit process, email [email protected] or call the Permit Center at 303.739.7420.

The city of Aurora requires a temporary use permit if your activity:

  • Will interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, occurring on city streets or rights-of-way
  • Will take place on private property

This includes, but is not limited to, athletic events, street fairs, carnivals, arts and craft shows, rallies or parades. Block parties require a Block Party application and do not require a Temporary Use Permit unless the event organizer does not reside on the block where the party is taking place and/or if food or merchandise vendors are present at the event. To learn more about block parties, visit

Application Fee: $78.00

Temporary Use Permits are issued for the following uses, notwithstanding the existence of any prohibitory provisions within the city code, provided that under no circumstances shall any exception or special use permit be granted so as to permit a commercial use to be conducted in a residentially zoned area:

1. A requested use in a zone within the city where such use is not permitted in the underlying zone, whether as a permitted use or as a use subject to a public hearing, not to exceed 30 days per year

2. Private use of a public right-of-way, excluding medians, by placement of a sign, advertisement, or merchandise within the right-of-way, not to exceed six permits per calendar year, each application not to exceed nine consecutive days, so long as such use does not constitute an obstruction or hazard to the right-of-way. There is no fee for this permit.

3. Use of the public roadway for purposes of conducting a civic function parade, or organized non-vehicular use, including, but not limited to, walkathons, jogathons, bikeathons, etc.; not to exceed two days per year.

4. The time periods for permits may, at the sole discretion of the City Manager or his designee, be extended.
General Liability Insurance Requirement
The city of Aurora requires that an applicant for a temporary use permit provide liability insurance sufficient to protect the city from liability claims arising out of the activities which will take place under the permit.

An applicant for a permit will need to contact his or her insurance agent to specifically request a certificate of insurance for the event covered by the permit.  A policy declarations page or copy of the policy will not substitute for a certificate of insurance.  The certificate must name the City of Aurora, Risk Management Division, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Aurora CO 80012 as the certificate holder, and the city of Aurora must be named as an additional insured. 

The date the certificate is issued should be no more than 30 days prior to the event. If the certificate is older than 30 days the applicant may be asked to provide a more recently issued certificate within 30 days of the event. 

The limits of insurance for bodily injury liability and property damage liability arising out of the event or activity described in the permit must be a minimum of $1 million per occurrence/$2 million general aggregate. 

The agent should describe the activity described in the application for the Temporary Use Permit and the date or dates in the section of the certificate titled “Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles/Exclusions Added by Endorsement/Special Provisions. If the location of the event is different than the insured location, this section MUST be completed.

If alcohol is going to be served, liability policy must include and specifically reference host liquor liability and included under description of operations/locations.

The named insured and the person or business applying for the Temporary Use Permit must be the same or an explanation (e.g. DBA or description of the event and connection to the requestor) must be provided.

An example of what is required can be viewed here: Sample Insurance Document
You may fax the certificate to the city of Aurora Risk Management Division in advance to 303.739.7509, and may ask any questions that you have at that time by calling 303.739.7225. A certificate can be emailed to [email protected].

Other Permits
The following additional permits must also be obtained, if applicable:

  • If the activity involves recreational fire (bonfires, open pit burning, etc..), then a use approval must be obtained from the Aurora Fire Department.
  • If a tent or canopy will be utilized for the activity, a tent in excess of 200 square feet or a canopy in excess of 400 square feet, an application for a permit must be submitted first for approval. If an approval is granted then a permit will be issued.
  • If the activity involves the use of a city park or city park facility, then a separate permit must be obtained from the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department.
  • If activity involves food or drink, please call the county the activity is located in; Arapahoe County Department of Health call 303.795.4584, Adams County Department of Health call 303.220.9200 or Douglas County Department of Health call 720.643.2400
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