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Aurora Water Facts & Reports

Aurora Water Reservoir Summary – July 14, 2024
Active Capacity (a.f.)
Current Content (a.f.)
% full
Aurora Reservoir
31,064 27,485 88%
Quincy Reservoir
2,693 2,380 88%
Jefferson Lake
2,313 1,935 84%
Aurora Rampart Reservoir 1,238  1,089 88%
Spinney Mountain Reservoir
53,651 52,150 97%
Shared Storage* 65,452 60,304 92%
 Total 156,411 145,343 93%
 * Aurora is in many reservoirs across Colorado. Since we move our water to meet many needs, this number represents Aurora’s water in these other reservoirs at this time. All numbers in this report should be considered to be an estimate or projection. Included in shared storage is Aurora's share in Homestake Reservoir, Turquoise Lake, Twin Lakes Reservoir, Pueblo Reservoir, Strontia Springs Reservoir and Lakes Meredith and Henry
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