Aurora's sweeping program is designed to reduce air and water pollution, in addition to keeping the city clean. The sweeping program is responsible for sweeping all streets, sidewalks along major arterial streets and municipal parking lots within the city.
The city is divided into four areas; North (N), South (S), East (E) and West (W). Each sweeping area has approximately the same route mileage to complete and each area can be swept in about the same length of time. Areas are divided into routes with each route taking one to four days to complete. All of the streets in each area are swept including arterial, collector and residential streets.
Municipal parking lots are swept when the sweepers are in each respective area. Sweeping for special events is completed on an as-needed basis.
Each year in spring and fall, the street sweeping schedules are revised. Links to the complete schedule for 2024 and route maps are posted below.
Residents, businesses and organizations also can help keep Aurora's streets clean through the city's Adopt-A-Street program.
For more information, please call the Street Division at 303.326.8200
2025 Printable map and schedule