The Aurora Police Department has special detective units dedicated to solving felony crimes. Each police district has a detective unit that investigates felony crimes against persons and property, however some crimes are of such a nature or extent that a specialized unit is needed to focus on the crime. The Investigations Bureau contains the Major Investigations Section (the detective units), the Crime Lab Section and Electronic Support Section.
These units assigned to the Major Investigations Section are based out of Police Headquarters and respond anywhere in the city.
The Major Investigations Section consists of the following units:
Major Crime/Homicide Unit
The Major Crime/Homicide investigates homicides, suspicious deaths, kidnappings, and officer involved shootings. Most of their cases are time intensive and require detailed investigations.
A team of detectives responds to crime scenes and works with patrol, the crime lab, the Victim Advocates, and any other department resources needed during the critical few hours following a major incident. The detectives are responsible for follow-up on investigations and for filing their cases. The lead detective will also serve as the advisory witness to the District Attorney during hearings and trials. Our Major Crime Unit also investigates cold homicide cases.
Economic Crimes Unit
The Economic Crimes Unit investigates frauds, forgeries and identity theft cases. The ECU has their own webpage dedicated to helping victims of Economic Crimes. The Economic Crimes Unit has a Pawn Detail that has the difficult task of tracking and recovering stolen items that suspects attempt to pawn.
Crimes Against Children Unit
The Crimes Against Children Unit has specially trained detectives who perform the delicate and difficult task of investigating child deaths, child abuse and neglect, sexual assaults on children, and any other investigations deemed appropriate for their unit. Detectives work with a number of state and local agencies to solve crimes and assist in insuring the safety of children who are in questionable circumstances. The Crimes Against Children Unit also partners with organizations in the state who are experts in forensic (evidence gathering) interviews of children of all ages.
See our Kid’s District for some tips to keep your child safe.
Internet Crimes Against Children Unit
The Internet Crimes Against Children Unit is responsible for investigating crimes such as child enticement, parental kidnapping, missing/runaway children, and internet crimes related to children such as child pornography and internet luring.
Sex Crimes Unit
Sex crimes can leave a community in fear and seriously harm adult victims, not only physically but emotionally. These special detectives work to solve these felonies and bring justice and closure for the victims.
Victim Services Unit
The Victim Services Unit works closely with the Special Investigations Units included in this section, and all units within the department. For more information on the critical services offered by our Victim Advocates, visit the Victim Services Unit.
Special Victims Unit
The Special Victims Unit is responsible for investigating crimes when the victim(s) is 70 years of age of older. They also investigate crimes where the victim is and at-risk adult with developmental disabilities.