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Auto Theft & Puffer Law

AUTO THEFT TIP LINE 303.739.1699

If you have information about a motor vehicle theft, you are encouraged to call this number.

Car thief

Vehicle Theft Prevention

To lessen the likelihood that your car will be stolen, always lock the doors and roll up the windows. Never leave your keys in the car, especially in the ignition. During the winter months, do not start your car and leave it running unattended. We call those “puffers.” It is illegal in the city of Aurora to leave your car running unattended with the keys in the ignition, and our officers do write tickets to discourage this invitation to car thieves.

Do not loan your car to anyone you do not know well and trust. Make sure that whoever is borrowing your car has a driver’s license, and that you know where they are going and when they plan to return.

Additional Information about Puffer Law

Click here for additional motor vehicle theft prevention tips.


What does the “puffer law” actually say?

Although experience has taught us that thefts of unattended and running motor vehicles occurs with much greater frequency in the winter months and in the early morning hours, these types of thefts can happen at anytime of the year and any time of the day. To help reduce this kind of preventable crime, the state legislature created a law titled “unattended motor vehicle” (42-4-1206 CRS), which is enforced in Aurora under the Model Traffic Code as “MTC 1206.” But what does it actually say?

42-4-1206. Unattended motor vehicle

No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, removing the key from the ignition, and effectively setting the brake thereon, and, when standing upon any grade, said person shall turn the front wheels to the curb or side of the highway in such a manner as to prevent the vehicle from rolling onto the traveled way. Any person who violates any provision of this section, commits a Class B traffic infraction.

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