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Jury Duty

jurors in jury box link to video about jury duty
Click above for jury orientation videte

The right to a trial by jury is provided for in the United States and the Colorado Constitution.  Jury service is a privilege, a duty to one’s fellow citizens and an opportunity to participate directly in our democracy.

Your service to your community as a juror will be respected and appreciated by litigants, attorneys, judges, court staff and the citizens of Aurora. The judges and staff of the Aurora Municipal Court thank you for your juror service.

What Is A One Day / One Trial?

The city of Aurora uses the “one day / one trial” system, which means a person is either selected to serve as a juror or is released from jury service on the first day they are summoned for juror service.  When a juror is assigned to a trial, the length of juror service will be for that trial which is generally one (1) day.

When Are Jury Trials Scheduled?

Jury trials are conducted in Aurora Municipal Court on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Jurors who are scheduled for juror service are scheduled to report at 8:45 AM.  

How Was I Chosen For Jury Service?

The city of Aurora obtains prospective juror names from an outside vendor who uses many sources, representing a cross-section of the city of Aurora.  All jurors are randomly selected.

What Can I Do If I Have A Conflict For Jury Service?

If your prospective jury service date conflicts with an existing appointment, the Jury Commissioner will work with you to select a mutually agreeable date for jury service.  To exercise your right to request your juror service date be postponed, please email the Jury Commissioner at [email protected] or call 303.739.6466.

What Are The Legal Qualifications For Jury Service With The City OF Aurora Municipal Court?

Qualification for jury service in the city of Aurora depends on residency and citizenship.  Any person who is a United States citizen and resides or lives in the city more than fifty percent (50%) of the time, whether or not registered to vote, shall be qualified to serve as a juror.  Citizenship and residency status on the date the jury service is to be performed shall control. 
You must be eighteen (18) years of age and must be able to read, speak and understand the English language.
Any person requesting disqualification from jury service for the following reasons must submit to the Court, in advance of the jury prospective jury service date, documentation to support their claim.

  • Juror service within the preceding 12 months: You must submit a copy of your “Certificate of Juror Service” by fax to 303.739.6682 or email a copy to [email protected] as verification. Upon receipt of a copy of your “Certificate of Juror Service”, you will be excused for your assigned date with the Aurora Municipal Court.
  • Medical disability: You must submit a letter from a licensed physician stating the nature of the disability, and an opinion on how this prevents you from rendering satisfactory juror service.
  • Sole responsibility for a permanently disabled person living in the same household: You must submit a letter from a licensed physician stating the name, address, age of the disabled person, the nature of care provided by the prospective juror, and an opinion on how the performance of juror service would cause risk to the disabled person. JURORS WHO ARE REGULARLY EMPLOYED AT A LOCATION OTHER THAN THEIR HOUSEHOLDS MAY NOT BE DISQUALIFIED FOR THIS REASON.
  • A person who is breast-feeding a child and is temporarily unable to or chooses not to leave the child in order to serve on a jury may be excused temporarily from service as a juror for up to two consecutive twelve-month postponements.  Please provide a written request for postponement.  Please provide a written request for postponement by fax to 303.739.6682 or email to [email protected]

What Do I Do If I Require Assistance Or Accommodations For Jury Service?

If you need assistance or accommodations to serve as a juror, please contact the Jury Commissioner at 303-739-6466 or via email at [email protected].

Contact Information

The Aurora Municipal Court is located at 14999 East Alameda Parkway, Aurora, CO  80012.

The Jury Commissioner’s office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM.

Jury Service Information: 303.739.6454 (Telephone) 303.739.6682 (Fax)

[email protected]   (Email)

Jury Service Certificate

Please find your jury certificate by visiting this link Jury Service Certificate 

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