Street maintenance work has begun in Aurora neighborhoods as part of the city of Aurora’s “Build Up Aurora” program to improve the condition of its residential streets.
A new project tracker at EngageAurora.org/BuildUpAurora allows residents to see where the street maintenance work is happening and the project status for each area. The tracker includes a translation tool for language conversion to Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese and Amharic.
Delivering on promises to address a top priority of residents, the city will complete street maintenance work in 2023 and 2024 to bring Aurora’s overall street network back to good condition—especially neighborhood streets.
Over the next two years, residents in 35 Aurora neighborhoods with the greatest need for street repairs will gradually see improvements. Concrete repair work is well underway in these areas, and the paving work will happen during the warm-weather months this year.
According to national standards, the condition of 58% of the city’s overall street network, including neighborhood streets, is rated as fair or below. In 2022, the Aurora City Council approved the plan and an innovative funding solution—without raising taxes—for the neighborhood improvements, ranging from concrete repair to street reconstruction.
Additional residential street maintenance citywide is planned annually as part of the city’s five-year street maintenance plan.
To find out more, visit EngageAurora.org/BuildUpAurora.