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Website and Digital Accessibility

As the third largest and most diverse municipality in Colorado, Aurora is committed to the accessibility of our services and our responsibility to provide them in a non-discriminatory manner. The city recognizes the importance of effective and accurate communication with the community and values equal access to our programs, services and activities.

Website Accessibility

Our commitment to effective and accurate communication extends to all web-based and digital communication. The city has committed to making the website and all web-based communication accessible for persons with disabilities and is working continuously to assess and remediate any inaccessible content.  

Accessibility Progress Report, 1st Quarter
Accessibility Progress Report, 2nd Quarter
Accessibility Progress Report, 3rd Quarter

Contact us with web accessibility concerns

If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on this website interferes with your ability to access information, or if you have any suggestions or questions regarding the accessibility of our website, please complete this webform to contact us. Alternatively, users that are unable to contact us via the form and wish to inform us of an accessibility concern can contact Access Aurora by phone at 303.739.7000 or through the Federal Information Relay Service at 1.800.877.8339 for TTY/voice communication.

Web browser and operating system variations

Many popular web browsers contain built-in accessibility features. Additionally, certain assistive technologies operate differently depending upon the browser and operation system and the program with which they are interacting. Please follow the links below for instructions on optimizing web browsers. The optimization accuracy of each web browser could vary from company to company and is not controlled or monitored by the city of Aurora.

Google Products accessibility (includes Chrome, Android, Gmail, Google Docs)
Microsoft Edge accessibility
Other Microsoft products accessibility (includes Windows, Teams, 365, Xbox)
Mozilla Firefox accessibility
Mac/iOS accessibility information

PDF Reader

PDF reader software is required to view and print certain documents that appear on this website. Most web browsers on desktop and mobile devices include built-in viewers for PDF documents. If necessary, however, you can download Adobe's free PDF reader software or visit PDF Accessibility Overview for additional information about Adobe's accessibility tools and resources. 

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