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Internet use

I. Intent of Policy

The primary mission of the Aurora Public Library [the LIBRARY] is to provide public information by means of a variety of resources, including Internet access. Toward this end, it is the intent of the LIBRARY to provide free and equitable public access to Internet resources. This access honors the fundamental library principle of intellectual freedom, and an abiding respect for the dignity and privacy of individual inquiry.

II. LIBRARY Disclaimers

1. Internet Customer Usage Statement
Internet terminals are open to the public. The Aurora Public Library will not be held liable for damages that arise from Internet usage or access.

2. Usage Disclaimer

a. The Aurora Public Library reserves the right to restrict certain types of computer use when necessary due to a need to manage limited resources, examples of which are bandwidth or number of PCs, and to allow the majority of users to gain the most benefit from these resources.

b. The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time an individual may use the internet at a facility. Time limits may change without notice and may vary by facility.

3. Filtering Lists and Definitions

Topics Denied Access:

a. Adult sites providing pornography, escort services, erotic fiction and art, adult video sales/rentals, and offensive material, etc.

b. Hacker and Cracker sites promoting illegal activities involving technology, such as telephone, cable and software piracy. Information about breaking security codes, reverse engineering software, and anonymous Web and/or e-mail servers.

c. Any site that promotes, assists or encourages activity that illegal under state or federal laws including illegal drugs.

d. Anti-social rhetoric sites which advocate the use of violence to promote anti-social, violent, extremist, racist, anti-religious, or homophobic groups and views.

e. Anonymous browsing sites that aid in hiding Internet activity.

f. Other sites as described in public library filtering requirements set forth by state and federal agencies with the intention of protecting children.

g. Suspicious and malicious sites including sites known for distributing malicious software such as viruses.

h. Sites that would be offensive by community standards.

4. External Link Disclaimer: The Aurora Public Library provides links to external websites as a convenience to our customers and for informational purposes only. These links do not constitute an endorsement or favoring by the Library or by the city of Aurora of any of the products, services or opinions represented by the external websites. Use of any information contained in these websites is voluntary on the part of the individual accessing them. While we do our best to select sites that will be most useful for our customers, the Aurora Public Library bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of external websites or for that of subsequent links. Users should contact the external website with questions or concerns regarding its content

5. Children and the Internet in the library, parents or legal guardians are responsible for deciding what library materials and Internet resources are appropriate for their children. Parents are urged to discuss internet use with their children in relation to family values and boundaries. The library has a Kids Catalog and resources more appropriate for children. Computers in the children's areas of the libraries are intended for use by children or adults accompanying children. Staff members in this area are authorized to monitor internet use to ensure that images are appropriate for the children's area.

III. Unacceptable Use of Electronic Resources

Any of the following actions may result in the loss of library privileges and/or criminal prosecution or other legal action. In general, the LIBRARY expects customer behavior to be law-abiding and civil. Unacceptable use of the LIBRARY's electronic resources includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a. Use of the LIBRARY's electronic resources for illegal or criminal purposes.

b. Violation of the legal protections provided by copyright and licenses to programs or data.

c. Use of LIBRARY resources to attempt infiltration of a computer or computing system and/or damage or alter the software or hardware components of a local or remote computer or computing system - uploading any harmful form of programming, vandalism, or “hacking.”

d. Seeking information on, obtaining copies of, or modifying files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users. Users shall not represent themselves as another user unless explicitly authorized to do so by that user.

e. Falsification of one's age, or other data, to gain access to Internet sites.

f. Use of public Internet access workstations beyond time limits established by the LIBRARY. This time limit may change without notice, dependent on service demands.

g. Unauthorized disclosure, use, and/or dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors.

h. Interference with the use or enjoyment of LIBRARY resources by others.

i. Disruption of the normal flow of LIBRARY operations, including the provision of electronic resources to the majority of Aurora library users.

j. Viewing or downloading visual material that, by local community standards, would be considered obscene.

k. Because of the security risks to the public machines, the following file types are currently not allowed through the filtering system:
Executable file types--.bat, .class, .exe, .vbs, etc.
Compression/Archive file types-- .cab, .tar, .zip, etc.

The library reserves the right to monitor web sessions in order to ensure system security. Library staff may review these sessions anonymously and remotely. All transactions will be considered confidential, except in those cases where illegal activity is observed. In such cases, Internet connections may be terminated and information may be made available to the local law enforcement agency in accordance with the provisions of C.R.S. 24-90-119.

Wireless Free unsecured wireless is provided on an "as is" basis with the possibility of interruptions in service. If you're having a problem connecting to the Internet through the Aurora Public Library wireless service, you may need to change some settings on your wireless device.

Wireless Disclaimer
Disclaimer: This free unsecured wireless network is provided on an “as is” basis with the possibility of interruptions in service. There are potentially serious security issues with any computer connected to the Internet, especially through an unsecured network, without the appropriate protection. Risks range from viruses, worms and other programs that can damage the user's computer, to cyber-attacks and interceptions of data on the computer by unauthorized or unwanted third parties. By using this service, users acknowledge and knowingly accept the potentially serious risks of accessing the Internet over an unsecured network and that the Aurora Public Library is not liable for any costs or damages arising from use of this service. It is highly recommended that users take steps to protect their own computer system, such as installing current anti-virus software and maintaining appropriate firewall protection. The Aurora Public Library makes no specific recommendations nor guarantees the quality/effectiveness of personal computer virus protection and firewall software products. Library staff is not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection.

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