The city of Aurora has installed new hourly bike lockers at RTD's Aurora Metro Center and Iliff stations.
Funded through the city of Aurora, the Denver Regional Council of Governments and RTD, these on-demand bike lockers are free for the first 18 hours.
The bike lockers are rented through the MOVATIC smartphone app available on both iPhone and Android. Instructions and a QR code are available on the lockers.
Two oversized lockers are available at the Aurora Metro Center Station specifically for cargo bikes.
Unlike other types of bike lockers with a complex registration process to acquire a key and that provide access to only one person at a time for several months, these lockers are easy to use and may be reserved by multiple people in a single day.
The bike lockers greatly expand the availability of secure bike storage at the Aurora Metro Center and Iliff stations, making it easier and more comfortable for people to bike as part of their trip on the R Line, H Line or bus routes from these RTD stations.
At Aurora Metro Center, the bike lockers are in the northeast corner of the parking lot. At Iliff Station, they are installed on the main walkway between the parking garage and the light rail stop.
For questions about the bike lockers, call 303.739.7338 during regular business hours. For more information, visit AuroraGov.org/BikeLockers.