The Aurora City Council, which welcomes public comment, has refined its process for speaking before the council.
Public comment during Public Invited to be Heard (on non-agenda items of city concern) is up to one hour long at the beginning of the regular council meeting. Speaker order is based on when the request to speak is received. Each speaker is allotted a maximum of three minutes. The council will accommodate as many speakers as time permits.
A new online registration form is now available at AuroraGov.org/PublicComment. Individuals wishing to comment on non-agenda items may register to speak in person or by calling the public comment line (Dial 855.695.3475 and press *3 to reach the operator). Speakers for agenda items may also register early using the new form. Online registration begins at 8 a.m. on the Friday before the next scheduled regular council meeting and ends at noon on the day of the meeting.
Council meetings take place in the Aurora Municipal Center’s Council Chamber, 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, which opens at 6 p.m. on the day of the council meeting. Enter the building through the east doors facing Chambers Road. Meetings also may be viewed live on Aurora Comcast cable channels 8 and 880 or at AuroraTV.org.
For more information regarding public comment, visit AuroraGov.org/PublicComment, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 303.739.7094 or by email at [email protected].